Have you gotten any personal identifiers in your main and private e-mail that you use all the time? Banking, online shopping, social media, job applications and so on. If so, let’s create havoc and get that baby up for an upgrade that will improve your online security dramatically. And it is for free. And it really demands very little effort. True story.
1. Get rid of e-mail address(es) with personal identifications of any kind.
2. Replace with non-identifiable e-mail adress(es)
3. Live a better life, and more secure.
First off, you got to go for a provider. I recommend Proton. Being a huge fan since 2018, and since then, advanced to the higher levels of their programs, I cannot recommend them enough. Not only is it easy to establish a new, or many new, e-mail account(s), it is free and their apps are in fact really good. Do consider their VPN-services when you are into the zone. Will make a separate article on VPN, so I’ll park that subject for now.
With your new e-mail setup, you can now begin the bigger part of business by logging into various sites, changing the e-mail address, clicking trough all the “confirm this and that”, and repeat. PS: remember to make list of what accounts you change – it is easy to get lost during a massive clean-up.
The pro-readers, will now by themselves, understand that this is the perfect time to also change stupid easy passwords (and use a password manager doing it). This will ten million double the effect on the goal: create a more secure online presens for your personal identificators.
More to follow!